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General Information

Section B General Information

Each part of the Section B examination is conducted over a one-hour period. The examination begins with an uninterrupted, 20-minute, patient-treatment presentation given by the candidate, immediately followed by a 40-minute oral examination conducted by a team of two ABP examiners. In general: 

  • Section B patient presentations must be developed by candidates as PowerPoint or Keynote presentations. 
  • At the start of the examination, candidates will submit their presentation, narrative, radiographs, and laboratory files to the ABP on a virus-free USB drive. The candidate is responsible for confirming USB drive compatibility with an Apple computer. Failure to submit the presentation and narrative in proper format will result in candidate disqualification and forfeiture of the examination fee.
  • Candidates will provide two (2) paper copies of their narrative for the examiners to use during the exam.
  • Digital radiographs, as required by ABP Examination Guidelines, must be of exceptional resolution and quality. 
  • Once submitted, the USB drive and the required contents become the property of the Board and may be used as material for future ABP examinations. 
  • During examinations, presentations are made using an ABP laptop (Apple) computer connected to an ABP monitor provided in the examination room. 
  • All digital images presented by candidates must be original images with no alterations except peripheral cropping. Presentation of images with unauthorized alterations (including but not limited to “instant alpha” or similar, background elimination, or like manipulations) will result in automatic disqualification of the candidate and forfeiture of the examination fee. 
  • Each candidate must complete at least four (4) dental implants supporting fixed restorations in one or any combination of the patient treatments within the Section B examination. Either photographic images or dental casts (gypsum, printed, or milled) replicating all abutments for cement-retained implant restorations must be included in presentations that involve implant treatment. 
  • Candidates must have a thorough understanding of all dental laboratory procedures and are responsible for the outcome of all dental laboratory procedures used to complete treatment. Laboratory work authorization forms must be presented for all fixed, removable, and supplemental prosthodontic laboratory work completed by a dental laboratory technician.